Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How 2 Damaged a Mobile SIM Card.?

my spl some2 hav a mobile phone %26amp; hav of course a SIM card. i hav a plan to change it 2 most powerful SIM on d market 2day but the existing SIM card was working properly up to present. i want it to change that SIM %26amp; after i copied all d data in her SIM i want it to destroy %26quot;naturally%26quot;... meaning she will force 2 change the sim card.

how i will %26quot;kill%26quot; or %26quot;destroy%26quot; her sim????

a magnet???

a water or chemical solution???

i have no idea and will thank you a lot relplying my topic....

thank you so much...How 2 Damaged a Mobile SIM Card.?
Chop it up with scissors just like destroying a credit card.How 2 Damaged a Mobile SIM Card.?
cut it up into lots of little pieces or drop it i water ..... etc

my plan:- drop it in water, soft drink your choice (just get it wet or whatever) then put it in the frezzer or something LOL um then chop it up in lots a lil pieces and then jump on it a couple of times and then frezze the piece in icecube and the dispose of the pieces i different places afterHow 2 Damaged a Mobile SIM Card.?
you nubs dont even read do you he wants her to say? um wtf my sim isnt working not who broke it...she will know he broke it but if it stops working he can say were you near a magnet....just use ya key to scartch it try some water, maby nail polish and try surfing on it lol, magnet dont really do anything...How 2 Damaged a Mobile SIM Card.?
just break it. it has a chip inside. or reomove the chip iniside then put it on together

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